The Republic of India, commonly known as India or Bharat, is a country in South Asia which consists of 28 states and seven Union Territories. The democratic Republic with a parliamentary system of government has the second-largest population and is said to be the largest democratic state in the world. India borders Pakistan, the Tibet Autonomous Region, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh.
.IN is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of India
.IN is very popular for companies and individuals located in India or for orporations looking to do business with India.
## Domain Restrictions
KYC requirements for .IN
The registry for .IN NIXI has introduced know your customer requirements for .IN domain name registrations. Registrants must upon registration the accuracy of their registration data by providing either a copy of their Aadhaar, passport , PAN card or drivers license (for Indian citizens/residents) or passport or national ID card for international registrants, and by confirming the data on a special website of the registry.
This documentation must be maintained by the reseller for the duration of the registration and provided to KS upon request. Failure to collect this data may result in the deletion of all affected domain names or the suspension of the right to register and/or renew .IN domain names through our service.
The introduction of this policy by the registry also means that the earlier policy limiting the number of domains a registrant can hold is no longer active.
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Sofia, Göteborg
hos Registrera Domän och ni får följande,